Let me you tell you a story.
I fist heard this many years ago in a book by a guy called Jim Collins and it's stuck with me ever since.
The story of the 20 Mile March.
There were 2 group of expeditioners racing to get to the north pole (or the south pole - I can't remember

The first group would go as far as they could each day, when the weather was good - they'd go 30,40+ miles and if the weather was bad they might only get a few or because they did so well the day before they might just bunker down for the day.
The other group had a different strategy - no matter what, they would march 20 miles forward each day. Then they'd rest, recoup and go again.
In the end the first group, burnt themselves out, got injured, morale dropped and the didn't make it.
The second group - the 20 mile march group made it there and back. Consistency won.
Over the last 14 years I have seen many people start their fitness journey. I've seen many people get amazing, long term results and I've seen many people start off strong only to give up and ultimately end up back where they started.
Those who tend to start out in a blaze of glory doing 13 sessions a day, 8 days week while eating nothing but dried lettuce leaves tend to drop off quickly. They get fast results initially, then they run out of steam, break down and go back to old patterns and "fall off the wagon."
Those who focus on making small changes and nailing the basics consistently - they are the ones who get great long term results.
I've never seen anyone who shows up inconsistently, eats inconsistently get great results long term. Short term thinking is the enemy of long terms results.
The 20 mile march principle is just as important when it comes to your health (and probably every other area of your life) as it is for trying to get to the north pole.
Aim not to be consistently brilliant, but to be brilliantly consistent.
Figure out the few things that make a big difference and stick to them. There will be really tough times where it's a real battle and there will be other times when it seems easy. Just keep going.
For most people the 20 mile march will be simple things like:
- Getting to bed at a certain time.
- Getting at least 3 sessions per week in.
- Drinking at least 2-3L of water per day.
- Getting at least 30g of protein per meal.
Forget tying to lose 10 kg's in the next 4 weeks, instead focus on creating these simple habits.
Brilliant at the basics.
Be awesome,
Coach Jake